Pilot Briefing

LRSG airfield warmly welcomes all visitors; however, prior permission is required for access. Please contact us in advance to arrange your visit. We look forward to hosting you!

Airfield Details:

  • ICAO Code: LRSG
  • Aerodrome code: 1A
  • Location: Sanmihaiu German, Timis, Romania
  • ARP: LAT 45° 42’ 12.36” N | Long 21° 03’ 06.73” E
  • Elevation: 409 Feet
  • Runways: 01 and 19
  • TORA,TODA,ASDA,LDA: 1600 Feet
  • Runway surface: Grass
  • Operations: VFR day
  • Aerodrome opening hours:
    • Summer: (April – October): we are open most weekends from 0900 LT – Sunset
    • Winter: (November – March) – HX
    • Other days and times are available, when requested in advance.

Communication Frequencies

  • Arad Approach TMA: 123.530 Mhz (above 2500 feet)
  • Bucharest FIC: 136.385 Mhz
  • LRSG OPC: 131.455Mhz

  • Email: office[at]gojump.ro
  • Phone: +40 773 787 553
  • Address: str. Principala nr. 267, Sanmihaiu German, Timis, Romania, cod postal: 307381

Local Map and Circuit

  • Traffic pattern altitude is 1500 feet by QNH
  • The standard circuit directions are:
    • Runway 01 – Left hand circuit
    • Runway 19 – Right hand circuit
    • Nil wind conditions direction RWY 19 is to be used.
  • Noise Sensitive Areas - these are highlighted yellow on the map below. Please be mindful of our neighbors.
  • No practice EFATO’s are to be conducted off of runway 01, due to proximity of power lines.
  • Go-arounds are to be made in good time and to the east side of the runway
  • Pilots should observe the position of other circuit traffic and synchronize with it before joining.

This map is interactive and elements can be selected for more detail. Use the button in top left-hand corner to open the element list and open a larger map using the top right-hand button.

Arriving at LRSG

Standard joining procedure is a 45° joining at the midpoint of the downwind leg.

  • From the North:
  • When below the TMA (2500 feet) and at 5NM out circle the airfield boundary counterclockwise, adjust altitude to 1500 feet and execute the standard 45° joining at the midpoint of the downwind leg.
  • From the West:
  • When below the TMA (2500 feet) and at 5NM out adjust altitude to 1500 feet and execute the standard 45° joining at the midpoint of the downwind leg.
  • From the South:
  • When below the TMA and at 5NM (2500 feet) out circle the airfield boundary clockwise, adjust altitude to 1500 feet and execute the standard 45° joining at the midpoint of the downwind leg.
  • From the East:
  • When below the TMA (2500 feet) and at 5NM out circle the airfield boundary clockwise, adjust altitude to 1500 feet and execute the standard 45° joining at the midpoint of the downwind leg.

Straight in approaches are only possible when there is no traffic on the circuit and they have to set up at least 3NM before the threshold

Departing LRSG

  • Standard departure procedure is after initial climb out to turn eastbound until clear of the 5NM reference boundary.
  • Be mindful of the TSR CTR to the North (SFC-2500)
  • If you need to get in touch call Timisoara TWR 120.105 Mhz
  • Remember Arad Approach TMA above 2500 feet
  • 123.530 Mhz
  • Everywhere else Bucharest FIC.
  • 136.385 Mhz

Aerodrome Chart

Aerodrome chart goes here

Other Relevant Information

  • Flying in Romania requires a flight plan to be filed regardless of airspace.
  • The use of transponders is mandatory regardless of airspace.
  • When we are operating, in case of unscheduled flights, PPR may be obtained via radio call on the aerodrome frequency.
  • We are principally a weekend parachute operation (dropping Skydivers every 30 minutes ) and that’s why it is essential that you make contact prior to joining the circuit. When operating there will be a "danger area NOTAM" and APP Arad are notified